Beyond Liberty

Beyond Liberty

Connecting Nature, Horses, and Humans
Community-Based Horse Sanctuary and Retirement

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Our Mission

Beyond Liberty was established to introduce more people to the world of horses through nature, education, and direct personal experience. The aim is to ignite widespread interest in and advocacy for horses and horse welfare.

The art of horsmanship is grown from the practice of connection, not the practice of force.”

Carolyn Resnick

Community & Connection

At Beyond Liberty, we’re more than a sanctuary for horses—we’re a community-driven initiative that fosters deep connections between humans and horses. Our mission is to create spaces where horses can live naturally and people can engage in transformative experiences that promote mutual healing, education, and advocacy for horse welfare. By nurturing the nature-horse-human relationship, we aim to inspire a deeper appreciation for these magnificent beings and build a future where horses and humans thrive side by side.

Creating Connection Through Experience

We believe that true advocacy for horse welfare begins with understanding, and that understanding comes from direct, personal experience. To build this connection, Beyond Liberty offers a variety of programs aimed at bringing people, nature and horses together. These include monthly free and donation-based opportunities for individuals and families to spend time with horses in natural, relaxed settings. Whether it’s through “Hanging with the Horses” days, where participants can simply be in the presence of horses, or more structured sessions like equine-assisted mindfulness or nature walks, our community center offers numerous ways for the community to engage with horses on a personal level.

​​These programs are designed to cater to a wide range of participants, including veterans, children, seniors, and individuals coping with anxiety, depression, or stress. By fostering direct engagement, we aim to instill a deeper appreciation for horses and inspire advocacy for their welfare. As participants experience the emotional and therapeutic benefits of spending time with horses, they come to see them as intelligent, emotional beings with rich inner lives.

By immersing themselves in the Beyond Liberty experience, individuals of all ages have the opportunity to discover the well-being and personal growth that arises from harmonious interactions with horses in the natural world.

Make a Donation

Thank you for supporting out mission to introduce more people to the world of horses through nature, education, and direct personal experience.

Warrick Schiller, Kayley Batt, and Carolyn Resnick


Our dedication to transparency has earned us the Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid, placing us in the top 1% of charities nationwide.