Beyond Liberty
Sponsor – Tag

Sponsor – Tag


Age: 6

Years at PMR: 4 Months

Breed: Yakama Native American Reservation Mustang

Sex: Male (Gelding)

Started Under saddle, ridden on trails.

Hi, my name is Tag, and I have a story to share.

My mom and I are from the Yakama Reservation, located in south-central Washington State.   I was born in a truck bound for slaughter.  Miraculously, my mom and I were both rescued and taken in by Pregnant Mare Rescue.  We were nurtured with care here at the sanctuary, and not long after, we were adopted by a family who promised to keep us together for life. But life has its twists, and I have been sold and returned and sold again….each time being separated from my momma. It was really scary because every time I left, I was meeting new horses & people & they were all so different, I had a hard time adjusting to so many changes.  I was confused a lot & didn’t feel safe. 

The most recent buyer reached out to PMR, curious about my past. She tried to work with me, but my body wasn’t in the best shape. After a month of trying, she decided I wasn’t the right fit for her and made plans to sell me.  But the amazing people from the rescue stepped in again, and with the help of the community, I came “home”.

Now, I’m back at the sanctuary, where I’m safe and free with my new herd for life. I’ve got a few health issues—some skeletal and soft tissue injuries that make things a little tough. But I’m getting all the care I need, including vet support, bodywork, Reiki, and hopefully one day, chiropractic treatment to help me feel my best.

Despite everything I’ve been through, I have a sweet and vivacious personality. I’m grateful to be back where I belong, roaming the sanctuary’s 8 acres with my herd. I’ve found my forever home.

Of course, I get to graze 24/7 and also have yummy hay and grain supplements but there are also many other things the sanctuary provides that make me know they understand me and honor my individuality.  For example, they give me Chaste Berry Powder for the emotional ups and downs I experience as I am healing my emotional traumas, supplements for my joints and connective tissue, play toys because I’m a playful young boy, CBD to help keep me chill, and of course, patience, love, crunchy carrots and delicious apples.

I hope you’ll take a moment to get to know me and maybe even consider becoming my sponsor. With your support, I can continue to heal, live free, PLAY! and enjoy the peaceful life I’ve been given a second chance at.  


P.S. Come visit me! You won’t be disappointed as I usually am up to some shenanigans 🤗

PERSONALITY: Charming,  Energetic, Playful & Humorous

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