Beyond Liberty
Sponsor – Phoenix

Sponsor – Phoenix


Age: 4

Years at PMR: 4

Breed: Rocky Mountain / Quarter

Sex: Gelding (Male)

Herd member, PMR Sanctuary

Hi, my name is Phoenix and I have a story.

I was born under the most unfortunate of circumstances, and my future looked bleak from the start. My mom had tags put on us that said “meat”.   But a blessing from above saved us.  We were both rescued and brought to PMR when I was about five weeks old.  

When I arrived, I was so weak and scared, lying down in the trailer at my mom’s side. My legs were deformed, and it looked like a big challenge. But PMR saw something worth fighting for in me.  They got the help of a special man, Brian Hyodo, who worked on my legs. And a farrier named Tod Rego who worked on my feet.  In time, I began to heal from the deformity which I heard them call, Carpus Valgus, without needing surgery. 

Day by day, I started to feel stronger and more hopeful.

My story is really about the power of kindness and care, hope and perseverance.  Now, I get to spend my days in the peaceful Sanctuary, and I am the Lead Gelding and I take my role very seriously. Because my mom had been impregnated right after I was born (she was a broodmare – a horse used for breeding), she stopped nursing (weaned) me at 4 months. She didn’t have the energy to take care of me.  I wasn’t ready for that, but the humans at the rescue saw my sadness & gave me a chance to be brought up by Mollie. Mollie, along with the other elder herd members, guided me to be a strong leader.  Due to my original limb deformity, albeit 95% better, I need special observation & care as I continue to grow. 

My journey is a reminder that no matter how tough life gets, there’s always hope for something better. Please consider being my sponsor while I continue my care and keep thriving in this place that gave me a second chance. Would you be willing to support me on this journey?

I love Peppermint Puff candies to eat with my Lead Mare, Mollie 💗 

Apples & Carrots cut up in a kiddie pool please! I love to bob for apple pieces & snorkel for baby carrots!

PERSONALITY: I have a gentle spirit and a kind heart. I love to keep my herd family safe. I am a brave leader! Firm & Fair, always.  I’ve touched the hearts of everyone who meets me. I am proud of who I have grown to be! 

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