Be a Supporter
Your ongoing support enables us to provide educational opportunities, free or low-cost access, and direct, immersive experiences with horses and allows the public to learn from and grow from the nature-horse-human connection. Our sanctuary & education centers serve as a place of healing, respite, and socialization for horses retired from work, competition, lessons, wild mustangs, and horses in need of respite and recovery.
Our goal is to introduce more people to the world of horses through nature, education, and immersive experiences and ignite and inspire widespread interest in and advocacy for horses and horse welfare.
1. Equine Leader: $300 monthly commitment.
Leaders share our vision, provide consistent foundation support, and champion our efforts. As an Equine Leader, you will receive our regular newsletter, a private tour with the Executive Director, free admission to pasture events and programs, and four free tickets to our annual farm-to-table luncheon in the pasture.
2. Equine Sentinel: $100 monthly commitment.
Sentinels support the welfare of the organization and the horses we serve. As an Equine Sentinel you will receive our regular newsletter, a sharing territory experience in the pasture, and two free tickets to our annual farm-to-table luncheon in the pasture.
3. Equine Companion: $50 monthly commitment.
Companions are passionate advocates and ambassadors of our mission to connect more people into the world of horses and to advance horse welfare. As an Equine Companion, you will receive our regular newsletter and a free ticket to our annual farm-to-table luncheon in the pasture.