Beyond Liberty
Sponsor – Malika

Sponsor – Malika


Age: 10

Years at PMR: 1.5

Breed: 1/2 Arabian, 1/2 Mustang

Sex: Female (Mare)

Pasture Broodmare (a broodmare is a female horse utilized for breeding, making babies for sale).  In Malika’s case, she was bred by someone for personal gain (versus a breeding farm).

Hi, my name is Malika, and I have a story to tell.

I arrived at PMR on February 20, 2023. I’m half Arabian and half Mustang, a combination of beauty and strength, but my life hasn’t always been easy. For years, I was a broodmare—a horse used for breeding. My only purpose was to have babies, not for a farm or breeding program, but for someone’s personal gain. It wasn’t much of a life, being impregnated and then having my baby sold off.  Things got out of hand with the people who were breeding me, and when they could no longer care for me, I was sent to auction. 

I was one of many horses’, scared and confused, riddled with scars and memories I couldn’t forget. At the auction lot, I was seen as just another pregnant mare. Thankfully, a woman who knew about PMR asked PMR to help. She thought I was pregnant, and I desperately needed a safe place to land.

When I arrived, I was wild, frightened, and not ready to trust anyone. I didn’t want to be touched or handled, and I kept my distance. Life has taught me to survive on my own terms. But PMR didn’t give up on me. Over time, I’ve started to come around. I still like my space, but now I enjoy being near humans, even if I’m not ready to fully trust just yet. The gentling process takes time, but I’ve come a long way.

During all the changes and being so malnourished, I miscarried. It’s an enormous stress to carry a baby while being shuffled between feedlots and auctions, surrounded by the fear of other horses. Now, I’m here to be a voice for them. I wish every horse could be honored when they’re no longer needed or wanted and placed into sanctuaries like I have been. I’ve found a herd, a place where I belong. I’m a dominant mare (female horse), and I take my role seriously. I help keep the herd in order, maintaining etiquette and balance. I feel strong here, and my name, Malika, which means “queen” in Arabic, suits me perfectly. I am proud, regal, and I finally feel like I matter.

I still carry the scars of my past, both on my body and in my spirit, but I’m healing. I love being among the herd, connecting with them, finding my place in this world where I am safe.

I’ve heard the humans talking, caring for me, and the other horses like me, comes at a cost—about $1,500 per month. PMR relies on the generosity of people who are moved by our stories and willing to sponsor one of us horses that speaks to their heart. If my story resonates with you, would you consider sponsoring me? Together, we can ensure I continue to heal and live the life I deserve—a life of dignity, strength, and belonging.

Thank you for listening to my story. I’d love for you to come visit. My mane is pretty spectacular, and I know just how to toss it to show off my majesty.

PERSONALITY: I am independent, I love to be seen & enjoy the distance energy work offered to me…I love to be near others that are receiving direct hands on healing work, it feels soothing to my spirit to remain close to them. I love naps & am safe enough here to lay down fully & sleep, dream & refresh my beautiful self. I am strong, wild & proud! 

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