
Hi, my name is Malika.
I arrived at PMR on February 20, 2023. I’m half Arabian and half Mustang—a blend of beauty and strength. For years, I was a broodmare, used only for breeding, and then I was sent to auction—scared, scarred, and confused. I was just another pregnant mare, but thankfully, a kind woman reached out to PMR for help.
When I arrived, I was wild and afraid, not ready to trust anyone. PMR didn’t give up on me, and slowly, I’ve come around. Though I still like my space, I now enjoy being near humans. During my journey, I miscarried due to malnourishment and stress, but now I’m part of a herd where I feel strong and safe. As a dominant mare, I help keep the herd in order, living up to my name, Malika, which means “queen.”
Thank you for listening! If my story speaks to you, would you consider sponsoring me? I’d love for you to come visit. My mane is pretty spectacular, and I know just how to toss it to show off my majesty.
PERSONALITY: Malika is independent and loves to be seen. She enjoys the distance energy work offered to her and finds comfort in being near others who are receiving direct hands-on healing. It soothes her spirit to remain close to them. Malika loves naps and feels safe enough here to lie down fully, sleep, dream, and refresh her beautiful self. She is strong, wild, and proud!
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